
冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 真正的多功能研磨仪

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400


冷冻混合球磨仪MM400是一个真正的多用途粉碎设备,设计用于少量样品的干法、湿法和低温研磨,最大容量为2 x 20毫升。能在几秒钟内以30Hz的频率对粉末和悬浮液进行混合和均质,速度之快,操作之简便,无以伦比。 MM400适用于经典的均质化过程,也适用于生物细胞破碎以提取DNA/RNA和蛋白质。长达99小时的处理时间使MM 400非常适合于研究应用,例如机械化学合成领域。 就MM400的性能和灵活性而言,目前市场上还没有同等的设备可以匹敌。

您可能还对MM 500 nanoMM 500 vario感兴趣,它们的工作原理相同,最高频率为35Hz,性能大大提升。对于需要冷却或加热样品的应用,MM 500Control是最佳选择。每台RETSCH混合球磨仪都有一个特定的应用重点。

"在进行稳定同位素和脂肪酸分析之前,使用MM 400对肌肉、皮肤、肝脏和整个无脊椎动物样品进行均质处理。设备的运行速度很快,对样品的均质化工作一直很彻底。MM400已被大量使用,没有任何机械问题。"

Bruno Rosenberg

Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Kristen Cooke

University of Sydney


David Mitchem

Virginia Tech


Muhammad Naveed

First Global Link


Gye Ryoung Lee

Gachon University


Hanna Kaliada

Vivex Biologics, Inc.


Xinle Li
Clark Atlanta University




Surojit Bhunia

Northwestern University



  • 通过高达30HZ频率的冲击和摩擦,实现强大的研磨粉碎和均质化效果。
  • 配备2个研磨工作位,每次最多可研磨20个样品
  • 可存储12 标准操作流程 (SOP) 和 6 个联动程序
  • 触摸屏方便操控


  • 3种研磨模式:干磨、湿磨、冷冻研磨
  • 在造粒前,将粉末样品和粘合剂混合在塑料容器中。例如,用于XRF分析
  • 适用于应用研究,如机械化学或生物细胞组织破碎  
  • 农药(QuEChERS)和草药成分的提取

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 校准保证了结果的可重复性

在从采样到分析的过程中,可重复性是最重要的。可以校准的实验室设备能保证每次都有符合最小标准偏差的可重复性结果。这在比较不同地点产生的结果时特别有用。 MM 400是第一台可以校准的实验室研磨机。RETSCH对研磨仪的时间和频率进行校准,并提供定期校准服务,以确保研磨过程的可重复性。 这一功能特别适用于 .拥有不同地点的测试实验室 .应用ISO/IEC 17025或ISO 9000ff的认证实验室 .医药产品

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 Reproducibility of mechanochemical reactions in the Mixer Mill MM 400

Reproducibility is a fundamental principle of scientific research and is essential for ensuring the credibility and reliability of scientific findings. The Mixer Mill MM 400 was tested regarding the reproducibility within a mechanochemical reaction, and it could be proven that it provides excellent reproducibility during several repetitions, for both clamping positions, and also between different devices. [1]

Minor variations of the frequency from 30 Hz to 29 Hz or 28 Hz have an influence on the yield of the reaction. It is of fundamental interest that the mixer mill maintains a set value, e.g. 30 Hz, and does not deviate from it. A premise which is fulfilled by the MM 400 which comes with a calibration certificate.

The mechanochemical reaction γ-Al2O3 + ZnO -> ZnAl2O4 was conducted for 30 min using 25 ml grinding jars, 2 x 15 mm grinding balls, 1 g educts, at 28 Hz, 29 Hz and 30 Hz five times in a row. The comparison between left and right clamping station showed highly reproducible results, also the comparison between the 5 trials.

XRD patterns after the mechanochemical reaction γ-Al2O3 + ZnO -> ZnAl2O4: Left: Grinding at 28 Hz, 29 Hz and 30 Hz, results after 5th reaction. Middle: Comparison left and right grinding station at 28 Hz 5th reaction each. Right: Reaction 1 to 5 at 30 Hz, right grinding station. Results presented by the group of Claudia Weidenthaler. [9]

The experiments were repeated using another MM 400 device to compare the results between the two mills. Again, the excellent reproducibility was verified for the 5 tests conducted at 30 Hz, for both, left and right grinding station.

Almost identical results (weight % of educts and product) and reproducibility are obtained with a different MM 400 device. Results presented by the group of Claudia Weidenthaler. [1]

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 生物应用和细胞破碎解决方案

冷冻混合球磨仪经常被用于均质化生物样品。用小玻璃珠进行研磨是一种用于酵母菌、微藻或细菌类样品的细胞破碎既定方法。在这个过程中,样品仅会适度升温,而通过预冷方式可将其升温效果降至最低。 MM 400可以对多达240毫升的细胞悬浮液进行有效的细胞破碎,以提取DNA/RNA和蛋白质。为了准确诊断感染,可以通过使用适配器从8 x 30毫升样品瓶或10 x 5毫升试管的组织中分离出完整的细菌。 MM 400可以选用不同规格适配器配合一次性使用的试管操作,规格如下:

20 x 0.2 ml / 20 x 1.5 or 2 ml / 10 x 5 ml / 8 x 30 ml / 8 x 50 ml



冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 - 生物应用和细胞破碎解决方案



冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 - 大麻样品的均质化*

使用冷冻套装CryoKit是冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400进行低温样品处理的一种经济的解决方案。该套装包括两个保温容器、两个钳子和一副安全眼镜。 将需要冷冻脆化的样品和研磨球装入不锈钢研磨罐中,并将其旋紧。脆化是通过在液氮浴中预冷罐子来实现的。样品被充分冷却大约2分钟后再进行低温研磨处理。 如果需要避免直接接触液氮,CryoMill或MM 500control是合适的选择。这两种研磨仪都可以用不锈钢或其他材料制成的罐子来进行低温研磨。

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 In-situ Raman spectroscopy

In-situ Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that allows for the monitoring and analysis of materials in their natural or process environment. This method utilizes Raman scattering, a phenomenon where light interacts with molecular vibrations, leading to shifts in the wavelength of the scattered light. These shifts provide a unique spectral fingerprint for the material being analyzed, offering insights into its chemical composition or molecular structure.

The "in-situ" aspect refers to the ability to observe and measure these characteristics directly during an ongoing process. This can include observing changes in the presence of various chemical reactions, also the so called mechanochemistry. Mechanochemistry involves the use of impact, shearing, or friction actions to induce chemical changes in solids. This approach is increasingly popular for its ability to bypass the need for solvents, potentially offering a more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient pathway for chemical synthesis. The Raman spectroscopy can provide invaluable insights into the reaction mechanism, phase transformations, reaction kinetics or for optimization of reaction conditions.

The MM 400 is “Raman-ready”, allowing easy removal of the bottom plate inlay. The bottom plate has openings for the Raman probe to consistently measure at the bottom of the jars by placing the Raman probe underneath the mill and thus underneath the jars, where particle interaction is most intense, ensuring accurate data. The Retsch PMMA grinding jars, with their transparency and chemical resistance, enhance spectral data without contamination. The plane outer shapes of the jars further enhance the spectroscopic data. These design adjustments streamline the experimental workflow. Researchers can now perform in-situ Raman spectroscopy with greater ease and precision, opening new possibilities for in-depth material analysis.

MM 400 可选研磨罐,离心管,混合瓶

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 Recommended jar fillings



纤维类: 毛发

30 ml 样品
50 ml 不锈钢研磨罐
1 x 25 mm 不锈钢研磨球
30 Hz工作2分钟


细胞破碎: 微藻类

30 ml 细胞悬浮液
8 x 50 ml Falcon管(需适配器)
25 ml 玻璃珠每管; 0,5-0,75 mm
30 Hz 工作时间30秒



15 ml 样品
50 ml 不锈钢研磨罐
1 x 25 mm 不锈钢研磨球
液氮预冷 3 分钟
30 Hz  研磨2分钟中间间歇冷冻 4个循环


中硬性/ 纤维类: 土壤

20 ml 样品
50 ml 不锈钢研磨罐
1 x 25 mm 不锈钢研磨球
30 Hz 工作1分钟


5 ml 样品
10 ml 氧化锆研磨罐
2 x 12 mm 氧化锆研磨球
30 Hz 工作3分钟


20 ml 样品
50 ml 不锈钢研磨罐
1 x 25 mm 不锈钢研磨球
液氮预冷 3 分钟
30 Hz 研磨2分钟中间间歇冷冻  4个循环

纤维类: 大麻

3 g 样品
50 ml 不锈钢研磨罐
1 x 25 mm 不锈钢研磨球
30 Hz工作90秒

硬脆性: 水泥

10 ml 样品
25 ml 氧化锆研磨罐
2 x 15 mm 氧化锆研磨球
30 Hz工作2分钟




Our instruments are recognized as the benchmark tools for a wide range of application fields in science and research. This is reflected by the extensive citations in scientific publications. Feel free to download and share the articles provided below.

冷冻混合球磨仪 MM 400 作用原理

MM 400冷冻混合球磨仪的研磨罐在水平位置执行径向振荡。研磨球的惯性使其以高能量冲击研磨罐圆端的样品材料并将其粉碎。此外,研磨罐的移动与球的移动相结合,导致样品的强烈混合。 通过使用几个更小的球,混合程度可以进一步提高。例如,如果使用几个小球(例如玻璃珠),那么生物细胞可能会被破坏。研磨球之间的巨大摩擦冲击效应确保了有效的细胞破碎。


[1] Reaction scheme and performance of the experiments: Prof. Dr. Claudia Weidenthaler, Research Group Leader Heterogeneous Catalysis Powder Diffraction and Surface Spectroscopy, Max-Planck Institut für Kohleforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr.
