MM500 nano高能撞击式球磨仪是一种舒适、多功能的台式球磨仪,专门为在几秒钟内对高达2 x 45ml样品材料进行干磨、湿磨和冷冻研磨而开发的。它的最大频率为35Hz,它产生足够的能量,使颗粒研磨至纳米范围内。MM500nano具有高性能的动力,适合于99小时的长时间研磨过程,因此对科研和机械化学有非常大的吸引力。 因此,MM500 nano是市场上独一无二的混合型球磨仪,它提供了一个真正的替代行星球磨仪的替代品——具有更舒适的操作和更少的升温效应。
"The Mixer Mill MM 500 nano is very useful. First of all, it is user-friendly and results are very good. It gives very fine particles even in a short period of time. Also, cleaning of jars is very easy."
Erkam Güllüoğlu
Gentas Dekoratif
"Wonderful effect and results more than 10 times those obtained by traditional methods. It is really easy to use and it has multiple benefits and can be used in more than one application. The after-sales service is excellent."
Ahmed Hendawy
Carl Hoff
University of Miami
在125 ml氧化锆研磨罐中用275 g 0.1 mm氧化锆研磨球,30 ml 1%NaPO4溶液对25 g二氧化钛进行纳米研磨。研磨120分钟后,颗粒尺寸达到90纳米。
Simultaneous processing of several small samples is possible with the multi-cavity jars and an adapter for reaction vials. This is a typical requirement, for example, for pharmaceutical, chemical and biochemical applications. The small cavity jars provide new opportunities for mechanochemical research activities involving small amounts of chemicals.
The cavities in the jars have an oval shape which ensures effective mixing. The pouring aids allow for safe sample handling.
The adapter accommodates up to 18 disposable reaction vials of 1.5 or 2.0 ml (e.g. Eppendorf vials) or nine 2.0 ml steel tubes. With its two grinding stations, the MM 500 nano mixer mill can now process up to 36 samples in one working run. 2.0 ml steel tubes should be used, if samples need to be frozen or heated, as polymeric reaction vessels cannot withstand mechanical load at extreme temperatures.
Multi-cavity jars of 4 x 10 ml and 2 x 25 ml, made of stainless steel, incl. PTFE pouring aids.
Adapter for 18 x 2 ml safe-lock reaction vials or 9 x 2 ml steel tubes, made of aluminum
冷冻研磨 莱驰研磨仪
研磨后氧化铝的为窄粒度分布(在125 ml研磨罐中使用275 g 0.1mm研磨球,33 ml 0.5%NaPO4溶液对30 g氧化铝进行纳米研磨)
MM500 nano的研磨罐在水平位置进行径向振荡。研磨球的惯性使其以高能量冲击研磨罐圆端的样品材料并将其粉碎。此外,研磨罐的移动与球的移动相结合,导致样品的强烈混合。通过使用几个更小的球,混合程度可以进一步提高。
应用 | 机械化学、机械合金、细粉碎、混合、均质化、低温研磨 |
应用领域 | 农业, 化学 / 合成材料, 医药品, 地质 / 冶金, 工程/电子, 建筑原料, 环境 / 资源回收利用, 玻璃/ 陶瓷, 生物, 食物 |
样品特征 | 硬的, 中硬性, 软性的, 脆性的, 弹性的, 含纤维的 |
粉碎原理: | 撞击力,摩擦力 |
最大进样尺寸 | <= 10 mm |
最终出料粒度 * | ~ 0.1 µm |
批次加料量* | 最大2 x 45 ml |
研磨平台数 (可接纳研磨罐数) | 2 |
Vibrational frequency | 3 - 35 Hz (180 - 2100 min-1) |
典型粉碎时间 | 30 s - 2 min |
干磨 | 是 |
湿磨 | 是 |
低温研磨 | 是 |
细胞破碎适配器 | 无 |
研磨罐种类 | screw-lock jar with integrated safety closure devices, multi cavity jar, adapter for safe-lock reaction vials |
研磨套件材料: | 硬质刚, 不锈钢, 碳化钨, 氧化锆 |
研磨罐尺寸 | 10 ml / 25 ml / 50 ml / 80 ml / 125 ml |
粉碎时间设定 | digital, 10 s - 8 h |
总研磨时间: | 99 h |
可存储运行模式 | 12 |
可存储循环程序数量: | 4 (最大重复次数99) |
电源数据: | 100-120 V, 50/60 Hz; 200-230 V, 50/60Hz |
电源接头: | 单相 |
防护类型 | IP 30 |
接受功率 | 750瓦 |
机体尺寸(宽x高x纵深) | 690 x 375 x 585 mm |
净重 | ~ 60 kg |
标准 | CE |