切割式研磨仪适用于软、中硬、弹性、纤维和非均质混合产品的研磨。得益于强大的3千瓦驱动和高扭矩和RES技术,SM 300切割式研磨仪尤其可以处理其他切割式研磨仪无法处理的样品。SM300可通过100至3000 min-1的变速,完全适应应用要求。有一系列孔径为0.25-20 mm的底筛可供选择,以确保最终的细度。
"It is a very robust mill that allows us to homogenize samples with a very uniform particle size according to the sieve used and very easy to use. Since it is a very robust equipment, as it is made to last, definitely I would recommend."
Jonatan Racancoj
"This mill is the work horse of the department. It can handle almost everything you want to put through it. Easy to take apart and clean. I have worked with other mills in the past and this one is by far the best."
Jason Roys
"Before our acquisition of the SM 300, we were using a VitaMix to convert structured components into powder. Of course, that took ages for larger batches of material. Now, with the mill, we are able to save on time and energy. It is a must purchase for any business that needs to cut, powder, mill, eviscerate, or otherwise reduce large particles in any way."
Major Hillmann
Epiceutical Labs
This video shows the amazing versatility of the SM 300 cutting mill, with a wide range of accessories including different hoppers, collection vessels and rotors to facilitate the feeding and collection of sample materials of different shapes, sizes and quantities. The variable speed allows the perfect cutting parameters to be selected, and the powerful 3 kW motor with RES technology gives the mill maximum pulling power.
Watch the video to see how the SM 300 handles these 8 applications with flying colours:
Whether you’re preparing samples in mining, precious metals, materials research, or environmental analysis, the RETSCH Cyclone System ensures efficiency, precision and safety like never before!
Why should you choose the RETSCH Cyclone System?
Plus: Existing instruments (BB 50, BB 250 or BB 400) can be retrofitted with the Cyclone System.
Torrefaction is a thermochemical process carried out in the absence of oxygen to cause the partial decomposition of biomass. Water and volatiles are released from the biomass to leave a solid, dry material known as bio-coal. For some applications, bio coal can be used to replace traditional fossil fuels, thus helping to reduce CO2 emissions.
In this video, both RETSCH cutting mill SM 300 and the CARBOLITE GERO rotating tube furnace TSR have been used as a part of a torrefaction process to create bio-coal fuel.
The Verder Scientific companies provide solutions to support your process every step of the way, from sample preparation and analysis, to heat treatment, and more.
Our instruments are recognized as the benchmark tools for a wide range of application fields in science and research. This is reflected by the extensive citations in scientific publications. Feel free to download and share the articles provided below.
在切割式研磨仪SM300内进行的粉碎过程通过切割和剪切作用实现。样品通过进样漏斗进入到研磨室内,通过切割刀头和切割棱之间的平行切割而被粉碎。 使用6叶转刀,其呈螺旋形排列的硬制金属刀片能对样品进行连续切割。 使用平行转刀,其平行组装而成的刀片对样品进行有力的切割处理。SM300驱动轴上的附加质量飞轮(RES技术)能显著增进动能。SM300的转速从100转/分到3000转/分可调,因而能轻松满足各种应用要求。
应用 | 切割粉碎 |
应用领域 | 农业, 化学 / 合成材料, 医药品, 工程/电子, 环境 / 资源回收利用, 生物, 食物 |
样品特征 | 软性的, 中硬性, 硬的, 弹性的, 含纤维的 |
粉碎原理: | 剪切力 |
最大进样尺寸 | < 60 x 80 mm |
最终出料粒度 * | 0.25 - 20 mm |
网频50赫兹(60赫兹)下的转速 | 100 - 3000 min-1 |
旋翼圆周线速度 | 4.7 - 20.3 m/s |
转刀直径 | 129.5 mm |
转刀类型 | 平行转刀 / 六页转刀 / V型转刀 |
进料漏斗 | 普通漏斗, 长型漏斗 |
研磨套件材料: | 不锈钢, 防重金属研磨钢, 碳化钨 |
筛网尺寸: | 梯形孔筛网 0.25 / 0.50 / 0.75 / 1.00 / 1.50 mm 方孔筛网2.00 / 4.00 / 6.00 / 8.00 / 10.00 / 20.00 mm |
收集系统/容量 | 收集容器5升/可选:30升 收集单元0.25/0.5升 旋风吸尘器组合(0.25升-30升) |
驱动 | 带变频器的三相交流电动机 |
驱动功率 | 3 kW, 飞轮质量28.5 kg |
电源数据: | 不同电压 |
电源接头: | 单相 |
制动系统 | 是 |
防护类型 | IP 20 |
机体尺寸(宽x高x纵深) | 576 (1080 开时) x 1677 x 750 mm (底座和支架) |
净重 | ~ 160 kg |
标准 | CE |