
空气动力筛分仪 AS200 jet

空气动力筛分仪 AS200 jet


The Air Jet Sieving Machine AS 200 jet is particularly suitable for low density and low particle size materials which tend to agglomerate. It is used with sieves of 10 microns mesh size and up. The procedure is very gentle on the material as no mechanical sieving aids are required. The average sieving time is only 2-3 minutes.

The AS 200 jet is specifically designed for test sieves with a diameter of 203 mm/8“ (or 200 mm with adapter). The air jet generated by an industrial vacuum cleaner can be adjusted by using the manual vacuum regulation. Optionally, an automatic vacuum regulation is available. The Open Mesh Function, a procedure which greatly reduces the number of near-mesh particles, provides optimum separation efficiency, excellent reproducibility and a longer service life of the sieves. Sieving time and nozzle speed are conveniently selected with a single button; the settings are shown in the graphic display. The Quick Start Mode is used to start the sieving process under standard conditions without entering parameters.

准确性 & 效率

  • Air jet technology for dispersion and deagglomeration
  • Measuring range 10 μm to 4 mm
  • Quick, efficient procedure
  • Open Mesh Function reduces near-mesh particles
  • Digital parameter setting (time, vacuum, speed)
  • Quick Start option
  • Variable nozzle speed
  • Automatic vacuum regulation and cyclone (options)
  • Memory for 9 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Suitable for RETSCH standard sieves

空气动力筛分仪 AS200 jet 典型樣品材料

RETSCH's Air Jet Sieve AS 200 jet is ideally suited for separation, fractioning and particle size determination of pharmaceutical materials, ceramics, chemical products, cosmetics, food, minerals, pigments, plastics, powder coating, rubber, toner particles and washing powder.










分析筛分软件EasySieve / EasySieve CFR

EasySieve, the software for particle size analyses, exceeds manual evaluation in many aspects. The software is able to automatically control the necessary measurement and weighing procedures – from the registration of the weight of the sieve up to the evaluation of the data. It is simple and convenient to use and is also available in an FDA 21 CFR Part 11-conform version.

分析筛分软件EasySieve / EasySieve CFR

AS200 jet配备一个旋转喷嘴,分析筛和盖子放置于喷嘴之上。吸尘器与筛分仪相连,使筛分仪内腔形成负压,喷嘴处的空气由于压力差形成强气流,气流喷入筛网面,然后被吸入筛孔以下。因此,小于孔径的样品随气流穿过孔径被入吸尘器或旋风分离器。气流有助于分散颗粒,以及净化筛网。
