
分析筛 精确筛分分析的最高精度


For reliable and reproducible results in the context of quality assurance, the use of test sieves which correspond to the standards ISO 3310 or ASTM E11 is essential. The technical requirements and monitoring for test sieves are laid down in these standards. If a laboratory carries out quality control in accordance with ISO 9000 ff, the sieve shakers, test sieves and all other involved instruments (e.g. scales) have to be subjected to test agent monitoring. The standard ISO 3310 stipulates which tolerances are allowed for the wire diameter (d) of the woven sieve fabric and for the nominal mesh width (w) of the apertures.

For each mesh width w the value y is defined which indicates how much the mean real mesh width may differ from the nominal mesh width. This can be demonstrated with a 63 μm sieve. The tolerance y for a sieve with the nominal mesh width 63 μm is ±3.7 μm. This means that the mean value of the mesh sizes must lie between 59.3 μm and 66.7 μm. A look at the graph that helps to understand why the knowledge of the real mesh width is so important for sieve analysis: if the mesh size is 63 μm, 40% of the sample are smaller than 63 μm. If, however, the mean real mesh width is 66.7 μm, 44% of the particles are smaller than 66.7 μm. If a user does not know the real mesh width, he would assume that 44% of the sample is smaller than 63 μm.

Schematic of a sieve mesh


In addition to the requirements laid down by the standard, RETSCH test sieves offer significant benefits:


莱驰测试筛采用独特的生产工艺和一体成型不锈钢筛框,可确保筛分应用具有无与伦比的稳定性和一致性。在密切关注筛网尺寸和其他特殊要求的前提下,筛网被精确地连接到筛框上。然后,采用只有 莱驰测试筛才有的独特技术,将筛网永久、可靠地绷紧。整套筛网由高合金耐腐蚀钢制成,适用于包括药品和食品在内的所有实验室分析领域。每个筛子都经过严格的光学检测,确保符合标准。筛子的数据(标称筛孔孔径、序列号、制造商、标准、筛网尺寸)都用激光刻在筛框上,无法篡改或删除。

Tolerance y of the nominal mesh width of 63 µm acc. to ISO 3310-1 and its consequences

Tolerance y of the nominal mesh width of 63 µm acc. to ISO 3310-1 and its consequences